Can Goldfish Eat Watermelon? An Unusual Snack Option

Goldfish are a popular pet for many people, and their diet plays a significant role in their health and well-being. An unusual and somewhat surprising addition to a goldfish's diet is watermelon.
Can goldfish eat watermelon guide.

Goldfish are popular pets cherished for their unique appearance and playful behavior. As a goldfish owner, you might be wondering what types of food you can share with your aquatic friend. One food that might spark your curiosity is watermelon.

We’ll explore whether goldfish can eat watermelon, the benefits it may have for your fishy friend, how often you should feed it, and how to safely feed it to them.

Goldfish CAN Eat Watermelon (When Prepared Correctly)

It may be surprising that watermelon is safe for goldfish to eat, it’s certainly not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of treats we can give to our fishy friends.

This tasty fruit offers them vitamins and nutrients that they might not get from their regular fish food.

Watermelon must be fed in moderation and prepared correctly before giving it to them.

Health Benefits Of Watermelon For Goldfish

Feeding your goldfish watermelon provides vitamins, nutrients, and hydration.

Some benefits include:

Vitamin AContributes to healthy growth and vision
B VitaminsSupports metabolism and energy production
Vitamin CEnhances the immune system
PotassiumHelps maintain fluid balance
Water ContentKeeps fish hydrated

Preparing Watermelon for Your Goldfish

Before feeding watermelon to your goldfish, you have to prepare it correctly.

Choose A Ripe Watermelon

Make sure the watermelon is ripe, as overripe or underripe fruit may cause digestive issues for your goldfish.

The best watermelons are easy to identify:

  • They should be round like a soccer ball, not elongated like a football
  • They should have even coloration throughout the entire rind

Wash The Watermelon

Rinse the outer rind of the watermelon thoroughly to remove any potential pesticides or contaminants that could harm your fish.

Remove The Rind And Seeds

How To Prepare Watermelon For Goldfish

Goldfish can’t eat the rind or seeds, so be sure to remove them before feeding.

Slice a small piece of watermelon, and use a spoon or knife to scoop out all the seeds.

Cut The Watermelon Into Small Pieces

For feeding, chop the watermelon flesh into small, bite-sized pieces that your goldfish can easily swallow.

Make sure that the pieces aren’t too big, as they could cause choking or blockages in your fish’s digestive system.

You may have a large tank with numerous goldfish, in which case you can place a chunk of watermelon on the prongs of a fork and sit it at the bottom of your tank.

How Much Watermelon Should You Feed?

Feed your goldfish a small piece of watermelon about the size of a pellet or flake.

Overfeeding can lead to health issues and water quality problems, so be cautious with portion sizes.

Overfeeding And Digestive Problems

One of the most significant concerns when feeding your goldfish any new food is overfeeding.

Overfeeding can lead to digestive problems such as constipation, which in turn can cause diseases and even death.

To avoid these issues, make sure you:

  • Only feed your goldfish a small amount of watermelon
  • Increase the size of the pieces gradually to monitor their digestion
  • Remove any uneaten pieces after 2 minutes to prevent it from rotting

Watermelon Feeding Schedule for Goldfish

Introducing watermelon (or any other new foods) into your goldfish’s diet should be done with some caution.

Treat Watermelon As A Treat, Not A Staple Food

Goldfish should mainly eat high quality specially formulated fish food, such as pellets or flakes, that provide the necessary nutrients for their growth and development.

Tetra Goldfish Flakes
Aqueon Goldfish Fish Food Slow Sinking Granules
API Sinking Goldfish Pellets
Ultra Fresh Sinking Goldfish Food

Watermelon should be considered an occasional treat or supplement to their primary diet.

Feed Your Goldfish Watermelon Once Or Twice A Week

Overfeeding your goldfish with watermelon may cause digestive issues or lead to an imbalanced diet.

Monitor Your Goldfish’s Reaction

Keep an eye on your goldfish after introducing watermelon into their diet.

If they show signs of discomfort, bloating, or difficulty swimming, they may be having trouble digesting the watermelon, and you may need to reduce the amount you feed or avoid feeding it to them.

I’ve listed some alternative fruits and veggies below that are safe to feed to your goldfish.

Nutritional Value Of Watermelon

Watermelon is an excellent treat for your goldfish because of its rich nutritional content.

This juicy fruit is packed with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can benefit your goldfish’s health.


Watermelon is a fantastic source of vitamins for your goldfish.

It is particularly high in Vitamin C, which is essential for promoting a healthy immune system, and Vitamin A, vital for maintaining good vision and healthy skin.


Besides vitamins, watermelon also provides essential minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining proper muscle and nerve function, while magnesium supports various physiological processes, including energy production and protein synthesis.


Watermelon is also a source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that can help protect your goldfish from oxidative stress and support overall health.

Low Fat And Protein Content

While goldfish need some fat and protein in their diet, too much can cause problems.

Watermelon has a low fat and protein content, making it an ideal treat that won’t overload your goldfish with these nutrients.

100g of watermelon contains:

Energy30kcal / 127kj
Vitamin C8.1mg
Vitamin B60.045mg
Vitamin A0.17mg

Other Fruits And Vegetables That Are Safe For Goldfish To Eat

Goldfish don’t just enjoy watermelon – they can also benefit from having many fruits and vegetables in their diet.

Introducing these wholesome options can provide essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to their overall health, development, and growth.

Always remember to wash the fruit and veggies thoroughly, remove any seeds or pits, and monitor portion sizes.

Other fruits, veggies, and leafy greens goldfish can eat include:


I have 3 recipes for homemade fish feed that your goldfish will love.

Can Goldfish Eat Watermelon Rind?

Can Goldfish Eat Watermelon Rind?

No, goldfish cannot eat watermelon rind.

Watermelon rind is tough and fibrous, and cannot be easily digested by goldfish. Feeding them watermelon rind can lead to digestive problems and potentially harm their health.

Can Goldfish Eat Watermelon Seeds?

No, goldfish cannot eat watermelon seeds either.

Watermelon seeds are too hard for goldfish to digest, and can potentially cause choking or blockages in their digestive system.

Closing Thoughts On Is It Safe To Feed Your Goldfish Watermelon

There you have it. Yes, watermelon is safe to feed to goldfish.

Important points to remember:

  • Goldfish can safely eat watermelon, but it should be fed in moderation.
  • Remove seeds and rind before feeding watermelon to your goldfish.
  • Keep portion sizes small, tiny pieces about the size of a pellet or flake.
  • Goldfish can also eat other fruits and vegetables like peas, lettuce, and zucchini.
  • Avoid feeding your goldfish bread or any other food lacking in nutrients.

Incorporating watermelon and other suitable fruits and vegetables into your goldfish’s diet can enhance their nutrition and overall health.

Remember to remove uneaten food from the tank so that it doesn’t rot and cause an ammonia spike.

Top tip: Feed your goldfish with food that sinks in the water. Fancy goldfish are notorious for floating upside down for a couple of hours right after feeding.

Check out the aquarium health section for guides and tips to keep your aquarium in tip-top shape and the freshwater section for more fish info and care guides.

Picture of Paul


Hey, fellow fish enthusiast 👋! I'm Paul and I've been an aquarium addict since I won my first goldfish at the fair many years ago. Let me share with you the knowledge that I've gained along the way (and avoid the mistakes I've made!), so you too can create an underwater paradise for your aquatic friends.